Mthethi Jiyane
Zulu Pastor & Leader
Ladysmith, South Africa

“I am proud to be a product and spiritual son of Pastor Don Mingo. I learned a lot from him while he was with us in South Africa. There is a great need for church leaders to be trained; especially pastors. You will find many pastors who are gifted in preaching and teaching the Word of God, but lack skills in administration, people management, and even proper doctrine. Having Pastor Mingo training leaders helps us a lot.”


Brandon & Beth Fischer
Church Planter
Alaska Send International

“Don & Kathy came alongside of us when we were fresh out of Bible College. They gave us opportunities we needed to grow in ministry both in our strengths and weaknesses. Don & Kathy were gentle pointing out where we needed work and gave us multiple chances to improve our skills. As we interned under Don’s leadership he led with a good balance of guidance and freedom. His experience and ability to relate to what we were going through was invaluable as we transitioned to joining a mission organization and preparing to go into full time missions. Don is a leader, encourager, visionary, coach, and most of all an instrument being used by God!”


Joel Rygh
Past Executive Pastor
Grace Bible Chapel
Grand Rapids, Minnesota

“I have worked alongside of Don in the trenches of ministry for five years, and it has been a privilege. He has been a wonderful mentor and friend. He has been a mentor who has taken time to coach and guide me through life decisions but also through ministry. His friendship shines through when we enjoy lunch or coffee together and share life. Don has a huge heart for missions and the world. He also has an incredible gift of observation and a heart to help people. I believe anyone who has the opportunity to spend time with Don will be blessed. I know I was.”


Steve Flaherty
Executive Director
Minnesota Board of Fire Training and Education
Past Fire Program Director at Mesabi Rand College & Fire Chief Grand Rapids Fire Department, Grand Rapids, Minnesota.

“It has been a pleasure working with Don Mingo as a member of our fire department. His personal experiences and professional skills provide him with the ability to deal with the complex sociological issues that are inherent to our line of work in public safety. He has become a treasure and an asset to our department, and to our community! Don has a real passion for interacting with people from all walks of life. Don fosters positive results with any group he is involved in, and he is respected for his genuine approach to organizational commitment.”


Tim Nelson
Team Leader Camino Global
(Formerly CAM International)

“Thank you Don for your ministry of the Word to our seminary staff and future leaders here in Honduras. I really sensed the Lord using you in a way that would not be possible without your background and multi-cultural ministry experience. Our brothers and sisters here saw your passion and heartbeat for strong and healthy leaders. I really sense you connected in a special way hearing many comments after the sessions about the relevance and helpfulness of your talks.”

“We look forward to the next time we can have you and Kathy back again.”


Donel Dlamini
Zulu Pastor
Escourt, South Africa

“I know Pastor Mingo from his many years when he trained, taught, and coached us in Ladysmith, South Africa. I enjoyed amazing exposure to Bible study methods. I enjoyed learning the importance of preaching and teaching what the Bible says not just your thoughts. I seek now to devote my life more to God and in the work of God. Siyabonga kakhulu.” (Thank you very much in Zulu)


Eric & Elisabeth Ream
Heart of God International
Saint-Marc, Haiti

“I hope you and your family are doing well. You would not know me. I was at BBC in the mid 90’s, and you came to speak and shared a little Zulu with us. Is that you? If it is you, I appreciated you and your heart for the Lord and the Zulu people in South Africa. I believe you spoke on Acts 11:26. A few years later, God really burdened my heart for young people around the world. There were a few missionaries that I planned to write and ask if I could come and hang out with them for a year and help. The first missionary I wrote, it worked out for me to go and serve with him for a year. That significantly impacted the decisions I have made since. I wanted to let you know that you were one of the other missionaries I had planned to write because you impacted me and gave me a greater love for the world and to see the gospel penetrate the hearts of people. Thank you for your example, obedience and faithfulness to our Savior.”


Elio Dortilus
Haut-Limbe, Limbe, Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Hello Dr. Don,

I hope you are doing well. God has been so good to me by giving me the opportunity to meet you. Your team and especially you are different from many that I have worked with. I am from Haut-Limbe, Limbe, Cap-Haitien, Haiti.

I enjoyed our talks. Since the death of my father I try not to have as many young friends, but mostly old because I need to learn a lot about God, love, and life in general. So come you!

Why did we meet the way we met? I don’t know. I should tell you that honestly you’ve been quite helpful to me. Coaching me helps me to think better. Your presence here is a blessing to us (Haitian) but for me it’s a treatment.

We are tired of visitors giving us a fish (that last just for a few hours) what we (Haiti) needs is someone who is willing to teach us how to fish (lifetime help). I’ve been learning more about God through your teachings and your way of acting.

Haiti needs people like you! Please, come back to teach us. I can make arrangements for you to come teach for weeks or a semester at the North Haiti Christian University (where I am a student) if you are willing to participate in creating a better Haiti.

Your time spent here is not lost. God sees your heart. Already, I have you in my mind, heart and prayers.

May God bless you,

Elio Dortilus, Haut-Limbe, Limbe, Cap-Haitien, Haiti.