
Yes, even missionaries are affected by pornography. In fact, far too many missionaries live in horrible bondage to this evil in the seclusion of their ministries. My purpose is not to judge, but rather offer help.  Most missionaries don’t talk until they get caught. Usually this ends their missionary career.

One missionary agency told me when vetting new missionary male applicants, they assume pornography exposure. Their question to the applicant is, “At what level is your pornography exposure?”

Below are websites, blogs, and software that can help in the flight against porn. Slay your porn before it slays you.

Your Brain on Porn – Free eBook from Covenant Eyes.

Covenant Eyes Filtering Software for all Medias 

Covenant Eyes Website

Who Can Hold You Accountable?

A Missionary Addicted to Porn

Porn to Purity – Husbands and Wives Redeemed Accountability
